Minnesota State Fair Food Experience

Minnesota State Fair Food Experience

This is how I fair: Find food. Eat food. Repeat. And that’s pretty much how our Minnesota State Fair experience went yesterday. I have no regrets! Except maybe skipping the wine slushy. Why did I skip the wine slushy?

The highlight of Wyatt’s day may have been the shuttle ride to the fair. He was also the most stylin’ person on the bus.

Minnesota State Fair Food Experience

Maybe even at the entire fair.

Our first stop was Lulu’s, where we got fried lobster and fried macaroni and cheese. On sticks, of course. They were fast at LuLu’s too. I’d gone to the bathroom while Ryan was ordering and by the time I got back everyone was chowing down without me. Hence my hasty photo of half-eaten mac and cheese balls. That’s the lobster in the background. And it was amazing.

Next up were the blue cheese and corn fritters from the Blue Barn. Hands down my favorite food all day. We even ordered more on the way out of the fair. Also, I think my mom makes a pretty good hand model.

After the corn fritters we had a loose goal of making it over to get a scone (which we never actually got) but got sidetracked by the roasted corn on the cob. Next year I’m getting two ears to help alleviate even more of the guilt over all the fried food I’ll eat.

And now it’s the infamous “shrimp dog.” I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to get it again, but I still thought it was good. Everyone else hated it. I guess the fair can’t win them all.

A few meltdowns later (only a couple of them were mine) we made it over to the animal buildings. Wyatt pet a piglet, hung out with some horses, and only tried to kick a couple of cows.

After a stop at the horses and the all-you-can-drink milk stand, we made the trek over to the pretzel-coated cheese curds. We all approved of the cheesy goodness.

Then we kind of got stuck watching this parade of randomness. I’m not sure what the requirement for entry was, but the bar was obviously set pretty low. Also, when did Smokey the Bear start wearing mom jeans?

After the freak show parade ended, we had a short visit with a friend and started making the long walk back toward our exit. Of course, we weren’t about to leave the fair without some Sweet Martha’s cookies. And 30 minutes after getting in line, we had them. The things we’ll do for cookies.

So really, we were actually going to the exit now. Right after pierogies.

I already can’t wait for next year.

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